Friday, September 28, 2012

(Mini!) Caramel Apples

Fall is the time of year that brings crisp air, crunchy leaves, and apples! Apples are a fall favorite, and a favorite something to make with them are caramel apples. We made some yesterday, but as a small twist, we made them mini sized!

After washing the apples,

we used a melon baller to make small round bits of them.

Then we melted the caramel,

put the apples on sticks,

and dipped them in! It was lots of fun, a little bit messy, but all delicious!

We let them chill for a while before we ate them. They make great little treats!


I was going to take pictures with my dolls to use for the apple orchard post, but the apples didn't last long enough. They were really good. :)
I will make a calendar for October, although I won't be posting from it. Did you enjoy using the calendar for this month?

Whatever you do with apples this fall, I hope that you enjoy them!

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