Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snowflake Pudding

To-do on the calender today is to make a sweet treat. So we made snowflake pudding!

It's a really easy treat to make, especially if you have pudding that's already made. But if you don't, pudding is a dessert that's quick to make!
We made ours with coconut milk, based of off the butterscotch pudding recipe from the cooking e-book. A few things were tweaked, but it turned out fine. Experimenting can be a lot of fun in the kitchen!

For the snowflakes, we cut plain tortillas into snowflakes with a cookie cutter. Then we fried them in a little butter, sprinkled them with cinnamon sugar, and they were ready!

This is a very quick and easy treat to make, and a lot of fun, too. But don't be afraid to mix things around a bit! Cut the tortillas into different shapes, or sprinkle them with different spices. Flavor the pudding in a new way, or throw in some add-ins, like chocolate chips, marshmallows, small candies, or crushed-up cookies. Try new things and have fun!


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